Designing a compressed air system

Designing a compressed air system

Often the end use of compressed air is not considered adequately in the design of a compressed air system but it can affect the other choices that need to be made in the design.

In a system, you need to consider the compressor and the compressor room, the piping, filtration, the end use of the compressed air even the location of the end-use applications.

A great deal of focus tends to be on the air compressors and how they interact which is the main focus for compressed air auditors.  This is sensible as their efficient performance is essential for optimizing energy use.  However, the piping system design and layout and the location of the devices consuming the compressed air are also important.

These things can affect the choice of compressor type and setup.  It gets even more complex is the air-consuming items do not operate all at the same time.

Nex Flow Air Products Corp. manufacturers specialized compressed air technology for blowoff, cleaning, drying, cooling and moving and also offers quality and unique products for improving, and maintaining your compressed air system.

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