Meet Neil Jones – Customer Service Manager

Before joining Fixmart I endured ten years working in retail managing a branch of a well known pet store. Something you may not know about me is that my real name is Brad, however I have adopted the name Neil over the last year since joining Fixmart because there is already a Brad on the team here.


My Role

Customer Service Manager – a very lucky one at that! To have a team of 3 passionate colleagues that continuously amaze me in the progress they make on a daily basis. Together we handle all the incoming sales orders, enquiries and any issues you may face from a customers perspective.


The Culture at Fixmart

Having just completed my first year here at Fixmart my initial observation was how friendly and welcoming all the colleagues are.


Favourite Building

Being an avid Fulham supporter I would have to say Craven Cottage! Following the team home and away and I am yet to find a stadium with such character.


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