IRWIN Tools Initiates the Second Annual National Tradesmen Day 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012 will be the second annual National Tradesmen Day.  The goal from IRWIN Tools is two-fold.  First, they want each and every American to “Thank a Tradesman” for the work that they do.  There will be events to recognize skilled tradesmen in New York City at the One World Trade Center and in Dallas, TX at Parkland Hospital.  At both of these events, professional tradesmen arriving to start a work shift at those locations will be greeted and honored by IRWIN team members and public officials.  One other event has a bit more of a party atmosphere.  The world famous Green Parrot Bar in Key West, FL will host an appreciation party for all types of professional tradesmen in the area.  They will be treated to food, drinks, gifts, and a good time!   So, help IRWIN Tools out and thank a tradesman in the area where you live!

The second goal IRWIN strives to meet with National Tradesmen Day is to encourage young adults to consider working in the various trades.   Over a third of professional tradesmen in the United States are over the age of 50, and fewer people are training to become tradesmen.  At some point each of us counts on a plumber, electrician, roofer, mason, or auto mechanics, so we need to bring awareness to that fact, and encourage high school and college students to consider training for a particular trade.  Tool Skool’s Brad Staggs always says, “Learn to work with your hands, and you’ll always have work.”

For more facts, statistics and information on how you can become a part of National Tradesmen Day: CLICK HERE

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