Bang It Hinge Pin Removal Tool

Hinge Pin Removal Tool

Bobbi Sevigney at Tomboy Tools showed this little jewel to me several months ago during a book-signing. I loved it so much, I bought the company. Well, not really, but that would have been a great story, right?

The truth is, this is an awfully convenient little tool to have in a toolbox, especially at the price – $9 at the time of this posting.

The concept is simple – align the Bang It’s steel pin with the door’s hinge pin. It’s pretty much foolproof if you just press the tool up against the hinge barrel.


Give the bottom of the Bang It a tap or two with a hammer or other heavy object. Of course, the number of taps and their intensity depends on how many coats of paint are sealing the hinge pin closed.


The body is made of a tough polycarbonate material, so it should stand up to years of abuse. I’m also willing to bet you could find several other uses for this tool if given time. I’m already working on it. I’ll keep you posted.

 Check price/availability on Amazon: CLICK HERE

For more information on this and other tools in the Tomboy line: Pink Tools for Women Website


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