How to make concrete and mortar for use in domestic projects

Knowing how to mix concrete correctly is a useful skill that will allow you to complete a wide range of projects around the garden or inside the home, from securing patio slabs to building a shed base. If you have never made it before but want to make your own concrete, there are a few things you will need to think about first:

  1. What materials do I need to make concrete?
  2. What am I going to be using the concrete mix for?
  3. How much concrete am I going to need?
  4. Will I be mixing the concrete by hand, or will I be better using a concrete mixer? 

In this guide we will talk you through the above to help you gain the knowledge required to make your own concrete. 

1. What materials do I need to make concrete? 

Concrete is made up from a mix of cement, sand (fine aggregate), and stone (coarse aggregate). You will also need to add water to help bind these materials together and it allows a fluidity to the mix before it sets. The cement fills the gaps between the other materials and acts as the binding agent, the sand acts as a bulking agent and adds stability, and the stone is the major bulk of the mix that adds strength to the concrete. 

Cement dust can be harmful to work with if you inhale or it gets into contact with your skin, so when you are ready to make the concrete you will need the following equipment to ensure your safety as well as a successful mix:

  • Mask or mouth protector
  • Safety goggles or eye protectors
  • Safety gloves
  • Builders bucket or mixing board (if mixing by hand)
  • Wheelbarrow, trolley or trug
  • Spade or builders shovel
  • Plastic bucket or jug for water

You will also need to consider how and where you are going to be mixing up the concrete – you may want to invest in a large tarpaulin sheet to minimise the mess in your house or garden from any splashes in the area you will be making the mix.

Take a look at The Global Cement and Concrete Association's page for further information on concrete and its uses, and discover the many benefits of using concrete including its sustainability and safety.

2. What am I going to be using the concrete mix for? 

The ratio and type of materials you need to make concrete will be determined by the sort of project you are taking on; if you are using it to lay a foundation for a garden wall it will need to be a different mix to if you are using it to secure fence posts. 

Getting the ratio right will make sure your concrete is strong enough for the job it is intended for. Get the ratio wrong and you could be looking not only at a costly and time-consuming mistake to fix but it could also be dangerous depending on what the concrete is being used for. 

You can buy ready mixed concrete bags which include cement, sand, and aggregate, where all you need to do is add water; these are ideal for smaller jobs or for when you want to save time as they are ready straight from the bag. They can work out to be more expensive if you have a large area to cover, however they will ensure the mix is always consistent.

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