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MDF As Wood Trim Alternative

I’ve been using MDF (medium density fiberboard) for years as both trim and other components in building projects. Sure, you can get simple profiles in the trim section of your favorite lumber yard, but by buying sheets, you can create custom trim profiles & columns.Wood TrimWood Trim

MDF in Use

I’ve used MDF in varying thicknesses, ripped it to width and given it a subtle profile with great success. Because it creates more sawdust than standard lumber, always use dust extraction and breathing protection when cutting, sanding, or routing MDF. As with a lot of products, the government wants to save us from ourselves, so do some due-diligence and keep yourself and those around you safe.

MDF BaseMDF Header

MDO – MDF’s Cousin

Using MDO (medium density overlay), the creation of smooth panel walls is pretty simple. By using solid-sawn pine trim as panel dividers, the effect can be fairly dramatic, as you’ll see in the video below.

Making Tighter Wood Joints

  If you’ve never used Extira, it’s a great product that is weather-proof and perfect for outdoor projects. CLICK HERE for more information.