Understanding Threaded Fasteners: Part 1 – Marsh Fasteners

Last Updated on July 1, 2020 by Marsh Fasteners

The advantage of threaded fasteners is often overlooked. What many don’t realize is that these components are used in millions of applications the world over and while they are overlooked, they are vitally important when it comes to strengthening products and applications. The fact that a fastener is threaded means that it provides more strength than fasteners without thread. They can be conveniently reversed, which means that applications they are used in can be put together and taken apart with relative ease.

When shopping for threaded fasteners it’s important to understand the different types as the type of thread can make the use of nuts, bolts, and washers quite different. The type of thread will determine whether your choice is ideal or useless.

Which is Better for Industrial Applications? Finely or Coarsely Threaded Fasteners

If you are using the fastener in an industrial application, opt for a coarse thread. This type of thread offers greater strength especially in terms of cross-threading. Coarsely threaded fasteners can handle the bumps and knocks, unlike finely threaded fasteners, which need to be handled with a bit more care. More reasons why coarse threads are better than fine threads for industrial applications:

  • Quick and easy to install
  • Unaffected by plating build-up
  • Minimal problems will be experienced with galling and assembly

What are Finely Threaded Fasteners Good For?

Finely threaded fasteners also have their uses in main stream applications. When it comes to tension and shear, fine threads are extremely strong.  When vibration is experienced, a finely threaded fastener is less likely to loosen. Because of their diameter, finely threaded fasteners can be quickly and easily tap-installed into materials.

Both coarse and fine fasteners have their place in various industries. To ensure that the fastener you choose can do the required task, chat to a professional in the industry about the various types of fasteners.

For more information on the various types of fine and coarse thread fasteners, make sure that you read part two of our blog this month! Contact us via email or telephone at Marsh Fasteners today.

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