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Planning Cabinet Layout Saves Aggravation

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Those words can be a painful echo in our heads when we get to a point in a job and realize the cabinets we ordered for a remodel will extend about 6 inches into a doorway. The homeowner is probably not going to be pleased with that look. And that’s understandable. Human error is inevitable, but a little pre-planning can avoid a lot of headaches.

Cabinet Layout

Cabinet Drawings (on the floor):

Painter’s tape, felt markers and 2×2 lumber are all relatively cheap, but in this Quick Tip, they become priceless.

Cabinet Layout

Before you place the order for the cabinets, no matter how many times you’ve measured, take some extra time to physically mark out the layout of the base cabinets on the floor. By doing so, you can avoid potential problems before they turn into budget-sucking monsters.

There’s nothing worse than having to either a) pay to ship cabinets back for replacement or b) tell your client that they’ll get used to stepping around the fridge to get into the hallway behind it. Either way, it’s not likely to turn into repeat business.

Easier Cabinet Installation:

Another practice that can make installation of wall cabinets easier and faster is by fastening a layer of plywood behind the sheetrock. Yes, it adds some expense to the project, but can save time and headaches later on.

Cabinet Layout 3

Finally, take advantage of programs like Google Sketchup. It’s reasonably simple to use and can be invaluable to deciding what works and what doesn’t in any room’s layout.

See some of these tips in action in this video.

Laying Out a Cabinet Design

  If you have any tips you’d like to share, be sure to leave a comment below.