Calculating Load Rating and Capacity Requirements of Casters

When it comes to industrial mobility, casters play a pivotal role. These unsung heroes bear the weight of heavy machinery, facilitate transportation, and ensure smooth operations across industries. However, a caster’s efficiency rests heavily on its load rating and capacity. Understanding how to calculate these parameters is crucial for optimal performance and safety. Understanding Load…

Zinc vs. Stainless Steel

Hi everyone, A common question I get asked a lot is whether or not stainless steel should be used rather than zinc plated steel. Both of these rig materials serve their purpose but vary from each other significantly. Stainless steel casters are much more expensive than zinc plated casters because of the oxidation process and…

How Frequently Should Industrial Torque Wrenches Be Recalibrated?

How Frequently Should Industrial Torque Wrenches Be Recalibrated?

How Frequently Should Industrial Torque Wrenches Be Recalibrated? 11/17/15 11:00 AM Maxpro Corporation Some tools can function for a long time without needing much special care, while others require regular adjustment. Torque wrenches fall into that second category, demanding regular calibration performed by professionals. How frequently should you recalibrate industrial torque wrenches? It depends on…

Industrial Bolting Safety, it’s all about process and procedure

Industrial Bolting Safety, it’s all about process and procedure

Industrial Bolting Safety, it’s all about process and procedure 3/12/21 12:56 PM Maxpro Corporation Industrial safety is an industry in itself today. Avoiding accidents and mitigating lost work time is of the utmost importance for anyone in the industrial workplace. Industrial bolting, is a high risk, focal point of safety managers, and the following is…

The Basics of Bolted Joints in Wind Turbines

The Basics of Bolted Joints in Wind Turbines

The Basics of Bolted Joints in Wind Turbines 4/25/17 8:00 AM Maxpro Corporation Wind turbines are held together with bolted joints that are under constant attack from vibration, fatigue, corrosion and bolt relaxation. Windpower Engineering magazine lists a few things professionals in the wind industry – especially those in the market for new wind turbine…

A325/A490 Torque Tools Used for Bridge Construction

A325/A490 Torque Tools Used for Bridge Construction

A325/A490 Torque Tools Used for Bridge Construction 12/24/19 8:45 AM Maxpro Corporation America’s bridges need help. According to an April 2019 report by the American Road and Transportation Builders Association, an estimated 47,000 bridges in the U.S. need to be repaired – if not replaced outright – to meet future traffic demands. While this situation…