Make Jewelry, Make Money | Ronix Mag

Identify the Jewelry You Want to Sell

Recognize your Jewelry Niche

Create Your Jewelry Brand

Develop Connections in Social Media or When Selling in Person

Listen to The Customer and Adapt Yourself

If you are looking for a low investment but highly profitable job, jewelry making can be your demanded business. To start this business, no matter what is your skill or motivation level, many factors should be considered. The jewelry market is a global one, many competitors live out there, and its market is almost saturated; but if you are a newcomer with a fresh perspective and mindset, there is still room for you. Pieces of jewelry can be sold online or in person. Here we shed light on different ways to sell pieces of jewelry and receive a satisfying income.

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Today, the jewelry industry has felt some changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, shifting to online jewelry selling is inevitable; Since many countries enforced lockdown conditions, jewelry retailers had to close their shops. People’s interest in online jewelry shopping increased significantly.

The jewelry market is a billion-dollar marketplace with no boundaries or limitations since men and women both love it. As you know, jewelry is a part of fashion. It changes continuously, so you need to update your trends; successful jewelry websites like Pink Lily Boutique and Icing on The Ring are good examples to check out.

However, selling jewelry in person is considered to be the best way to make money out of jewelry selling. Jewelers, consignment shops, pawnshops, and coin shops are the potential buyers, but selling jewelry pieces is challenging in today’s market.

To increase the maximum profit gained from jewelry selling, some general tips should be taken into account:

Identify the Jewelry You Want to Sell


Recognize your product, whether they are handmade, costume, or vintage; Make sure you know the jewelry style you are manufacturing.

Recognize your Jewelry Niche


Determine your ideal jewelry to satisfy your customers. Different people, men or women of different ages, look for different jewelry. Recognize your target customers and find more about their culture to make jewelry pieces that fit.

Create Your Jewelry Brand


Creating a good brand tells the customers a story about you. By choosing an attractive brand, you invest in your business. The brand is a communication way between you and the end-users of your jewelry pieces, and sometimes a simple thank you note does this for you.

Develop Connections in Social Media or When Selling in Person

Shares photos of your products; let the customer awareness increase. Social media helps you reach out to the customer base you deserve.

Listen to The Customer and Adapt Yourself

Looking at your business from an analytical point of view can help you master selling jewelry pieces online. If you are the producer, collaborating with your customers and accept their demands.

Now go for that business, trim and polish that brand and make your brand shine!

Photos credit goes to

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22 February 2021

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