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Tools From Trash – Bill’s Bucket Tool

I’ve known Bill Warren since I was 8 years old. He was old then, much older than me. He used to be able to pick me up and hang me by my feet – he can’t do that now, thankfully. One thing hasn’t changed – his ability to tell a story (some of them are actually funny), and his unique way of doing things on a job site. I guess I should explain that Bill is also my brother-in-law. That makes the hanging by my feet thing a little more understandable.Honestly, some of his ideas are downright amazing in their utility and resourcefulness. He would have made Edison proud.

Contractors Are Cheap

Oops, I meant to say “Ingenious”. Don’t you just hate auto-correct?! :)As contractors, we’re all looking for ways to get things done inexpensively and most of us hate seeing things go to waste. After all, that waste could have been profit, right? And that’s where Bill’s ingenious idea was born. Instead of throwing away a paint bucket and buying a short step ladder (that would probably not last as long as this bucket will), he killed two birds with one stone. His idea is something we have dubbed, “Bill’s Bucket Tool”.Bills Bucket 1

Contractor Multi-Tool on a Budget

As you may have deduced, it’s made from a bucket, with a piece of scrap wood attached. Not very impressive to look at, but wait until you see what it can do.

  • Stepladder
  • Stilts (when you have 2)
  • Drywall Jack
  • Tool Transporter (you hold it up and they drop it in)

Mr. Warren will demonstrate its capabilities in the video below.  Of course, he’d correct me and say, “Mr. Warren is my father. I’m just Bill.”Here’s “Just Bill”, explaining his ugly but very clever tool.

Bill’s Bucket Tool Video

 If you’re in or around Enfield, New Hampshire, be sure to give Bill a call. He’s a top-notch builder and loves to talk…and talk…and talk 🙂

For more info on Staggs-Warren Building & Real Estate: CLICK HERE

If you have any job site tips to share, let us know in the comment section below.