How to Save Money on Energy Bills

With seemingly never-ending energy price increases we could all benefit from one of the biggest outgoings to hit our bank balances by cutting the cost of our energy bills. Not only are there environmental benefits to saving energy, but our pockets will also benefit too. You may be wondering where to start so we’ve pulled together some ideas on what changes you can make to help reduce the cost of your energy bills.

As well as more substantial investments such as new windows or doors, there are lots of small things that you can do to help keep costs down. If you change some habits and the way you use some appliances you can make small savings short term that can turn into more significant savings over a year or longer. So take a look at our top tips on where you could make some changes that will turn into cutting costs.

Washing and Drying

An easy change is to move to a 20°C or 30°C wash cycle. If your laundry is not heavily stained this should clean your clothes as well as a 40°C wash. If the load isn’t particularly dirty and just needs a “refresh” look to use a short cycle, and if your machine offers an Eco setting take advantage of it – the cycle may take longer but uses less water and energy. If some of your laundry is particularly stained, you should pre-treat and pre-soak the items to avoid multiple wash cycles.

Check if your energy provider has a cheaper tariff during “off-peak” hours; moving the time you do your laundry could save you pounds each month.

Is your washing machine loaded correctly? You should be able to fit your hand at the top of the load and move your fist around. If you overload your washing machine it cannot wash your clothing properly which may result in you having to wash the load again. Underloading your washing machine wastes energy but can also cause an imbalance to the drum which can lead to it becoming damaged.

Avoid using a tumble dryer when you can, instead make the most of any dry weather and hang washing outdoors on a line. If you don’t have outdoor space or the weather isn’t suitable then wait until the heating is on to hang your washing on an airer indoors to speed up the drying time – try to keep a window open in the room the washing is hanging in to avoid any build-up of damp.

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