How the turbocharger works

Looking to find out how you can ensure better and better performance of your car? Learn how a car’s turbo charger works and how it helps increase the power that is produced by the engine. Continue reading the article.


What is the turbocharger?

The turbocharger is a forced induction system that sends oxygen to the internal combustion engine, increasing the density of the air intake into the engine. This causes a much  explosion leading to a significant increase in the power  of the car.

In addition, there is a decrease in the emission of pollutants gases, as the turbo charger engine reduces the amount of harmful components such as particles and nitrogen oxides, improving the combustion efficiency of the engine.


How does the turbocharger work?

The turbocharger takes advantage of the energy contained in the exhaust gases and used them to compress the air that will be admitted by the engine.

As a result, a turbocharger engine has more air mass in the combustion chamber meaning more power, usually between 30% to 200%, compared to an aspirated engine with the same displacement.

The aspirated engine is responsible for vacuuming its own air and mixing it with the fuel that is in the internal compartments.



What’s the turbocharger for?

The turbocharger offers more power without the need to increase the size of the engine. The use of the turbocharger is very common, because it is a necessary component in the implementation of the techniques of reduction of engines blocks

In addition, these techniques are now used by car manufacturers to comply with the requirements imposed by pollutant emission reduction standards.

The increase in airflow caused by the turbocharger, in addition to what is aspirated by the plunger, allows an additional supply of air to the interior of the engine. As the engine capacity increases, it also increases power and torque, and in turn the engine reaches the maximum value earlier due to the sudden increase in explosion force.

Advantages of turbocharger

The turbo charger brings some advantages to the consumer, such as:

  1. Increased engine power
  2. Improves emissions of polluting gases
  3. Reduces fuel consumption

According to European statistics, most cars have turbo chargers.



What are the main signs of failure in the turbocharger?

You should diagnose the engine block if you detect any of the following signs:

·       Accumulation of garbage in the air filter

Garbage in the lubrication system is one of the most common problems, causing an increase in fuel consumption and loss of power.


·       Strange noise

Strange noises coming from the turbocharger is another indicator of a malfunction.


·       Reduced acceleration capacity

The vehicle cannot accelerate quickly or cannot produce the normal amount of power.


·       Excess exhaust gas

Another symptom that can detect is the exhaust, caused by a simple crack in the turbo which can cause an oil spill in the exhaust system.


·       Engine oil problems

Without engine oil, the  turbocharger does not work, as it has the function of lubricating the various mobile components of the engine.

Not changing the engine oil filter regularly may lead to the accumulation of carbon deposits, which prevents the turbo from functioning properly. Therefore, it is essential to change the lubricant, when necessary, to keep it in good condition.

Do not be too aggressive in your driving Drive smoothly, respect the heating and cooling times of the engine. These aspects contribute to the proper functioning of the turbocharger and ensure effective maintenance of the vehicle.


What is the price of a turbocharger?

If there is a power failure, it is an indicator that something is not right with the turbocharger. Cleaning a turbo cost, on average, between 150 and 200 euros if it is necessary to disassemble any component.

Alternatively, you can also opt for a rebuilt turbo, which  can cost hundreds or thousands of euros, depending on the brands.

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