How a Fastener Distributor Can Help OEMs Go Green

Businesses of every size are focusing on changes to help them go green. Depending on the type of industry your business is in, it can pay to depend on your fastener distributor for advice and direction on going green. Whatever industry your company falls under, the benefits of becoming cleaner and more environmentally conscious are […]

Businesses of every size are focusing on changes to help them go green. Depending on the type of industry your business is in, it can pay to depend on your fastener distributor for advice and direction on going green.
Whatever industry your company falls under, the benefits of becoming cleaner and more environmentally conscious are great. OEMs work with many different suppliers to create their products, and can make a significant green shift in their operations with the help of an experienced and knowledge fastener distributor.
Save Energy
Many OEM firms look at energy conservation first. These changes tend to be simple and straightforward, helping your company move towards industry standards involving environmental issues. But electrical and mechanical upgrades are not the only ways to move your company in the green direction.
Use the rapid delivery services of your fastener distributor and reduce the amount of stock inventoried at your plant. This allows you to streamline the floor and make better use of storage space. Build up a relationship with your distributor that allows for organized orders, bookings and delivery. These arrangements may help you to reduce fuels and staffing costs as well.

Reliability Is the Fourth “R”
You know about the need to reduce, reuse and recycle. But OEMs can truly make a difference in our environment by designing and producing reliable products that last. Poor quality products result in more waste and higher energy usage, whereas well-built, dependable products do not need frequent replacement.
OEMs producing reliable products with the help of top quality fasteners and components are working to eliminate waste and reduce their carbon footprint. The fastener distributor plays a major role in advising and supplying the best materials, brands and solutions tailored to your project. Without their knowledge you may opt for a weaker metal or miss out on industry innovations that allow for quicker assembly or greater longevity.
OEM firms in the automotive industry rely on fastener distributors, as do those working with computers, technology and alternative energy. Any product that includes fasteners, clips, brackets and adhesives can be made greener with the help of your fastener distributor. Use their delivery and stocking services to reduce your company’s energy usage, and use their knowledge to create a more reliable product that reduces waste. Invaluable and always available, your fastener distributor is an important resource.

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