Benefits of a Local Fastener Distributor

Everyday our world seems to be shrinking. With global media coverage and communications that allow us to reach people anywhere on the planet almost instantly, borders are fading fast. But what does that mean for your business? Does it always make sense to import materials or order them from the supplier with the lowest possible […]

Everyday our world seems to be shrinking. With global media coverage and communications that allow us to reach people anywhere on the planet almost instantly, borders are fading fast. But what does that mean for your business? Does it always make sense to import materials or order them from the supplier with the lowest possible price, no matter how far away they are? When it comes to fasteners such as Headcote Screws, Hex Cap Screws or Heavy Hex Bolts to list a few, you may need to rethink your supply philosophy. Consider why a local fastener distributor makes more sense.

Let’s deal with this right off the bat, since it is often the main reason companies order from elsewhere. The cost of products manufactured overseas or down south may be cheaper in some instances, but buying from a fastener distributor that is over the border may be another story entirely.
There are two main reasons that the price of non-local distributors could be a problem – exchange rate and shipping.
When the dollar fluctuates it affects the price of everything brought in and out of the country. When you buy from a local distribution company they will absorb that cost difference. You might see an increase in the price for the next order, but there will be no last minute surprises when you go to pay your bill or any duties that are associated with it.
Shipping costs can also take a big chunk off of a manufacturer’s bottom line (or a contractor’s). As fuel prices continue to rise, so does the price to ship. Those figures need to be tacked onto the overall cost of the fasteners for accurate reporting. Again, local distributors absorb this cost for you, often at a much lower rate since they ship in bulk amounts that far surpass those of the average customer.
More controlled costs are not the number one reason to buy from a local fastener distributor though. Better, more personalized service is the best reason. A local distributor knows your business, the economic climate and your specific industry better than any overseas company.
They can also offer quick delivery (even of small orders) and customized orders that are available fast. In the ever-changing worlds of manufacturing and contracting those two offers are worth much more than a lower ticketed price.
Buying from a local fastener distributor makes sense from a price perspective, but it is also has major advantages from a service perspective as well.

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