How to Improve Indoor Air Quality with Your HVAC System – HW Products

improve indoor air quality

Many of us know that HVAC systems regulate indoor temperatures to keep us comfortable. Did you know that your HVAC system also filters air as it is circulated to help reduce airborne contaminants such as viruses? In conjunction with practicing social distancing and frequently washing hands, there are numerous ways that you can utilize your building’s HVAC system to improve indoor air quality to protect yourself, family, employees, residents, and the general public. As the nation’s leading manufacturer of quality HVAC tools, Malco understands how essential it is to have an HVAC system working at its best to keep people healthy and happy with clean air. We’ve gathered up a list of helpful tips for you to make the most of your HVAC system during this unique time.

Four Methods to Improve Indoor Air Quality

1. Keep the Fan Running

By turning on your system’s fan to run for longer times or continuously, your air will be thoroughly filtered on a regular basis. Even if no heating or cooling is taking place, many systems have fan control options that you can easily manage. 

2. Check & Upgrade Your Filter

The first step would be to check that your filter is correctly and securely in place. Secondly, you can consider upgrading your filter to a higher-efficiency or the highest-rated model that works with your current system. You should reference your HVAC manual or consult with an HVAC professional.

3. Bring in Outside Air

By filtering in outside air, you reduce the amount of recycled indoor air. You can do this by opening up the outside air intake if your system has one. Although this is not common for home systems, there may be options for installation or upgrades. You should reference your HVAC manual or consult with an HVAC professional.

4. Increase Ventilation

Depending on your HVAC system, you may have an air-to-air heat exchanger, heat recovery ventilator (HRV), or energy recovery ventilator (ERV) that you can use to increase overall ventilation. If you don’t currently have one of these mechanical ventilation systems, consult with an HVAC professional who can recommend and install the best option for your specific climate.

By utilizing your HVAC system in these ways, you’ll improve indoor air quality and have greater peace of mind. This year has been unpredictable in many ways, but one thing that won’t ever change is Malco’s commitment to you. We remain open to provide our distributors and trade pros with the reliable and time-saving HVAC tools they need when they need it. As a company, we’re working as a unified team to continue operations without delay or disruptions. Malco extends a big thank you to the hardworking contractors who are out in the field every day. We recognize the long hours and sacrifices that go into the profession, and we are so appreciative of your essential service to our communities.


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