[CASE STUDY] Power Generation and Turbine Maintenance

[CASE STUDY] Power Generation and Turbine Maintenance

[CASE STUDY] Power Generation and Turbine Maintenance 3/15/17 7:48 AM Maxpro Corporation For this case study, we’re heading to Florida, where our client – a combined cycle power plant – needed hydraulic torque wrenches. They also needed the wrenches right away, and Maxpro could deliver. “We turned it around in hours,” said company president Tom…

Why ISO 17025 Calibration is Critical for Your Torque Tools

Why ISO 17025 Calibration is Critical for Your Torque Tools

Why ISO 17025 Calibration is Critical for Your Torque Tools 5/21/19 8:26 AM Maxpro Corporation After more than 25 years in the torque wrench business, we’re still amazed at the number of industry insiders who just don’t see why ISO 17025 calibration is so important. These are people working in the pipeline, wind energy, petrochemical…

Most Accurate Torque Wrench: Why Use Digital torque wrenches (DTWs)

Most Accurate Torque Wrench: Why Use Digital torque wrenches (DTWs) 8/9/22 8:45 AM Maxpro Corporation When fixing a broken arm, we want to tighten the bolt as tight as possible without having a backlash. Torque measure how much force is applied to a fastener and how far you can turn it.  Torque wrenches have a…

Industrial Bolting Tool Applications For the Mining Industry

Industrial Bolting Tool Applications For the Mining Industry

Industrial Bolting Tool Applications For the Mining Industry 6/1/16 9:00 AM Maxpro Corporation Mining is a tough job, one that requires tough workers and durable tools. Those tools include hydraulic torque wrenches, which are at work on a wide range of mining applications, from vehicles hauling material to machinery digging deep below the earth. Let’s…

Maximizing Wind Turbine Efficiency with E-RAD Torque Wrenches

Maximizing Wind Turbine Efficiency with E-RAD Torque Wrenches 4/27/23 10:15 AM Maxpro Corporation The offshore wind energy industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years, and with that growth comes the need for high-quality tools and equipment. With over 1,500 bolts on a turbine, the tool of choice is the ERAD electric torque wrench,  which…